Amidst the festivities of Alumni Weekend, an esteemed group of alumni gathered for a special celebration. The Golden Petrels—a cohort of Oglethorpe University alumni who graduated fifty or more years ago—participated in a reunion luncheon to officially welcome the Class of 1974 into the Golden Petrel Society. Each class member attending was formally presented with […]
Earlier this week, graduating seniors stopped by the Turner Lynch Campus Center to participate in “Destination Day,” a celebration of Petrels’ post-grad plans. Hosted by Career Development and supported by the Office of Student Success, the festivities included a Delta Airlines gift card raffle drawing, free Oglethorpe swag, and King of Pops. Seniors who have […]
Oglethorpe alumnus Robin Lohfert ’03 recently pledged a multi-year donation to support the Division of Mathematics and Computer Science. The funds will supplement the Ronald L. Carlisle Prize in Mathematics and Computer Science, an award given to an outstanding student studying one of these disciplines. Lohfert, who earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a […]
The family of Eric Quinn ’13 – an alumnus, former student golfer, and assistant golf coach at Oglethorpe who passed away last year – have established a new scholarship to honor his memory and legacy at Oglethorpe. This scholarship will serve as a lasting testament to Eric’s love for Oglethorpe and the impact he made […]
Following a nationwide search, Oglethorpe University has named Sarah Emerson as the new Vice President of Advancement, effective April 15, 2024. Emerson will oversee the teams that lead fundraising, donor stewardship and alumni engagement initiatives. Emerson currently serves as Executive Director for Foundation Relations at Georgia State University where she has managed a portfolio of […]
On March 13, Oglethorpe University welcomed award-winning writer and former State Poet of New York Willie Perdomo for a reading and book signing — the inaugural event for the Oglethorpe Out Loud poetry series. Oglethorpe President Kathryn McClymond opened the event with an introduction of alumna Leah Hughes ’88, whose generous gift established the poetry […]
For Donna and Bob Rasile, graduates of the class of 1982, Oglethorpe has played an important role in their story. It’s where they met, where they honed their professional skills and interests, and where they have continued to share their time and treasure as proud alumni. In the fall, Donna was honored as she completed […]
On February 14, alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff united to show their love for Oglethorpe on OU Giving Day and demonstrate their collective commitment to the university. Thanks to support from nearly 200 donors, gifts large and small came together to raise more than $65,000, breaking the OU Giving Day record set in 2021. […]
On Thursday, February 8, the Senior Class of 2024 came together to celebrate a milestone in their time at Oglethorpe — 100 days until graduation. This annual celebration was hosted by the Senior Class President and Senior Class Senators and included an encouraging speech from the Senior Class President, a fun photo booth, finger foods, […]
Oglethorpe University will welcome award-winning writer and former State Poet of New York Willie Perdomo on March 13 for a reading and book signing, the inaugural event for the Oglethorpe Out Loud series. Established recently by a gift from alumna Leah Hughes ’88, Oglethorpe Out Loud will bring esteemed poets to campus each year to […]