
Hammack School of Business gets extra honor from Colleges of Distinction

college of distinctionOglethorpe has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction, a national guide to colleges that highlights innovative learning opportunities at top schools, for the 2019-2020 academic year, and its growing business program has earned the school further recognition among the nation’s top schools.

Colleges of Distinction honors institutions whose business degrees are multidisciplinary in nature and loaded with practical experiences for students to engage the wider world of business. Oglethorpe is one of only seven schools in Georgia to receive the designation.

The Hammack School of Business opened in fall 2019 and prides itself in nurturing students’ entrepreneurial spirit and encouraging valuable real-world experiences, such as internships, study abroad and civic engagement, via its Atlanta Laboratory for Learning (A_LAB).

To be designated a “college of distinction,” a school’s curriculum must emphasize such core competencies as critical thinking, writing, oral skills, research, and global perspectives. They must also offer dynamic out-of-classroom learning and study abroad programs.

Schools must demonstrate results across the Four Distinctions—Engaged Students, Great Teaching, Vibrant Community, and Successful Outcomes. High school counselors and educators make nominations and each school is evaluated on key indicators including student engagement, student empowerment, and curricular innovation. Colleges that have distinguished themselves in each of the Four Distinctions and that have demonstrated dedication to enriching student outcomes through innovative learning opportunities are then invited to join Colleges of Distinction.

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