Career Development

“Destination Day” celebrates seniors’ future plans

Earlier this week, more than 80 seniors stopped by the Turner Lynch Campus Center to take part in “Destination Day,” a celebration of Petrels’ post-grad plans. Hosted by Career Development, the festivities included a gift card raffle drawing, free Oglethorpe swag and King of Pops.

Prior to attending Destination Day, students were asked to complete the First Destination Survey, which asked about their plans after graduation later this month. Participants were then entered into a Delta Airlines gift card raffle drawing and received Oglethorpe luggage tags, folios and a Destination Day t-Shirt.

Winners for the gift card raffle were announced throughout the celebration. Three lucky students were declared the winners:

  • Anisa Abdi – $500 (grand prize)
  • Bella Lindebord – $300
  • Fern Martinez – $200

Already, Class of 2022 Petrels have secured careers at a wide range of employers, including Dartmouth College, Morrison Hershfield, State Farm, Stargems Inc., National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Kearney. Additionally, several students will be pursuing graduate programs at universities such as Vanderbilt, Mercer and Mississippi State. 

Graduating seniors who have not yet filled out the First Destination Survey are still encouraged to participate. The survey helps Career Development assist students still looking for jobs and helps inform future graduates about career possibilities.

At 75% senior participation, another $500 gift card becomes available for students to win. 90% participation will unlock a third gift card!

Destination Day 2022