Global Education

“Global Oglethorpe” study abroad program success leads to expansion

Oglethorpe launches GO Barcelona in 2016, London in 2017

Since 2012, Oglethorpe has served as the academic partner of LeadAbroad (formerly Global LEAD), approving academic faculty, syllabi, course pedagogy and materials for its multifaceted study abroad programs.

LeadAbroad programs attract a growing number of students from universities across the U.S., most of whom earn transferable Oglethorpe credit for the program.

When LeadAbroad first partnered with Oglethorpe, existing programs were based in Cape Town, Ecuador (phased out in 2014), and Greece.

Since then, LeadAbroad has expanded to include Global Oglethorpe (GO) programs in Rome (launched in 2014), and in Barcelona, introduced in summer 2016, following the success of the Rome program. Barcelona debuted with the highest number of registrants among all the programs.

In summer 2017, GO London will join the line-up.

LeadAbroad now offers three types of study abroadĀ programs: LEAD, GO, and DIRECT.

LEAD programs in Cape Town and Greece offer a holistic study abroad experience together with a focus on leadership, service and adventure. Students earn six credit hours in Leadership in Action and Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement from Oglethorpe.

GO programs in Rome and Barcelona are traditional study abroad programs with independent travel opportunities. Students take two classes for six credits from Oglethorpe in art, business, communications, humanities or language.

DIRECT programs in Cape Town and Greece offer curated travel experiences focusing on adventure, service opportunities and local culture, with no college credit.


Oglethorpe faculty members have taught each summer at all of the locations. In 2016, GO Rome featured an all-Oglethorpe faculty: Drs. Jeffrey Collins (pictured above), Lynn Guhde, Amanda Printz, and Seema Shrikhande. GO Barcelona faculty included Drs. Mario Chandler, Viviana Plotnik, and Earl Howell.



2013 / 2
2014 / 11
2015 / 12
2016 / 17


2013 / 133
2014 / 241
2015 / 288
2016 / 437

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