
Accounting students connect with top firms, secure internships

Oglethorpe’s Hammack School of Business recently hosted a recruitment event for accounting students that helped connect them to major firms. The event welcomed 24 recruiters — 13 of whom were OU alumni — representing 14 corporations,  including three of the “Big 4” firms: Deloitte, EY and KPMG.

Oglethorpe accounting students talk to a recruiter on the Conant Veranda

Oglethorpe accounting students talk with a recruiter during a mixer planned by the Hammack School of Business.

Hosted on the Conant Performing Arts Center veranda, the mixer was equal parts social and professional, helping to facilitate conversation among students and recruiters.

“We decided to change up the recruiting mixer a bit this year to make it more relaxed and approachable for students — business casual attire, picnic themed food and drinks, and even lawn games,” says Accounting Career Coach Stephanie Szalkowski ’89, “The result was better attendance and a more fun, upbeat networking experience.”

Accounting major Elijah Cundiff ’24 attended a similar accounting mixer at Oglethorpe last year and was offered an internship with Tidwell Group, which he will start in January 2023. This year, he secured a second internship offer from CapinCrousewhich he intends to accept. He would begin at CapinCrouse in summer 2023.

“I am extremely thankful to Oglethorpe’s accounting department for helping me prepare for this event and inviting several firms so I could find a few that really interested me,” says Cundiff. “These internships will give me the opportunity to gain real world experience in the accounting field before I graduate so I can get a clearer picture of what I want to do after college.”

Another accounting major, Ashantee Ward ’23, received an internship offer from Carr, Riggs & Ingram, which she intends to accept.

“I’m ecstatic to start the new journey with Carl, Riggs, & Ingram, get in-field experience and continue to build genuine connections,” says Ward. “I’m appreciative of the staff that pulled this event together and the recruiters who came out to see us.”

Several other students have also received internship offers as a result of the networking event. Oglethorpe students have interned at many high-profile firms like BDO Atlanta, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, CohnReznick, CNN, Georgia Power (Southern Company), Lake Lanier Islands Resort, PNC Bank, SunTrust Bank, The Coca-Cola Company, Brooks McGinnis & Co., McGladrey, Mauldin & Jenkins, Bennett Thrasher, and more. The Hammack School of Business boasts a near 100% career and graduate school placement rate.