Campus Life

2022-2023 Student Government Association & Programming Board Announced

The results for the 2022-2023 Student Government Association and Programming Board elections have been announced. These students will represent the student body for the next academic year.

President: Ashrakat Hassan
Vice President of the Senate: Jada Thomas
Vice President of the Programming Board: Maria Coles
Treasurer: TBD in Fall 2022
Parliamentarian: Jasmine Martin
Secretary: Nathania Adhisty
Senior Class President: Marc Collins
Junior Class President: TBD in Fall 2022
Sophomore Class President: Baker Rouseau

Senior Senators:
Josue Acosta
Miguel Angelo Zaldana
Andi Kezh

Junior Senators:
Jariyah Williams
Rachael Morris
Alex Nupki
Randi Parks

Sophomore Senators:
Gloria Okwueze
David Martinez-Alvarez
Catherine Hartwig
Deyanira Betancourt Castillo

SGA 2022-2023 Programming Board:

Sarah Clayton

Trinity Chism
Mary Hansbrough

Lyric Scott
Deyanira Betancourt Castillo
Anna Vick
Borey Wan

Elections for the freshman class will be held in the fall semester.

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