Campus Life

National Sexual Assault Awareness Month to include expanded programming on campus

Today as we begin the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I encourage all members of our campus to continue to learn about sexual assault and ways that as individuals and a community we can create safe spaces for survivors and continue to fight for more equitable environments for all genders.

Through this ongoing knowledge we can truly work to eradicate the abuse of power that proliferates through all backgrounds and create a more just and equitable community and inclusive environments for all genders. If you or someone you know has experienced a form of sexual assault, please know that there are campus and community resources that are available to you. Please visit the following sites for more information and look for upcoming programming on OU Connect.

Oglethorpe University Sexual Assault Resources

Step UP! Bystander Intervention Program

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)

The Women’s Community

On March 17, 2021, students received an email from campus leadership about the violence towards Asian and Asian-Americans on March 16, 2021. Since the pandemic began, we have witnessed an increased amount of violence towards Asian and Asian-American communities. This has caused many members of the Asian community to live with an intensified sense of fear. This violence has continued to occur within some of our country’s large metro areas. We want to once again reiterate that our community stands by our Campus Civility Statement:

“We must be committed to the highest standards of civility and decency and to promoting a community where all people can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of demeaning behavior or hostility.

The Offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Campus Life and Global Education have been planning intentional programming to continue to support the community in promoting equity and inclusion. We want to thank our partners for assisting in creating the following two additional programs:

If you are a victim or know of a situation in which someone has been a victim, please file a report with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Faculty and Staff are able to report similar experiences through Human Resources. If you are in need of counseling services, please visit our Counseling Center website.